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Parrot Sequoia+

Parrot Sequoia+ is a multi-dimensional camera capable of collecting crop data in four spectra and RGB.

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Parrot Sequoia+ Features

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- 4 bands and RGB

Lightweight, adaptable and great value, this multispectral camera offers two types of sensors for the price of one.

Green, Red, RedEdge, Near-infrared, RGB provided

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- Global Shutter

The Sequoia+ multispectral camera has a global shutter for distortion-free image capture.​

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- Absolute measurement 

When used with Pix4D software, Sequoia+ is the first multispectral drone camera to provide absolute reflectance measurements without a radiometric compensation target, saving time in the field and enabling highly precise measurements.​

Parrot Sequoia+ specifications


​Multispectral sensor

RGB resolution

Single band resolution

Multi-spectral bands

single band shutter

Multi-spectral sensor + RGB camera

4 bands

16MP, 4,608 x 3,456 pixels

1.2MP, 1,280 x 960 pixels

Green (550nm ± 40nm)
Red (660nm ± 40nm)
Red edge (735 nm ± 10 nm)
Near infrared (790nm ± 40nm)



HFOV: 64°, VFOV: 50°, DFOV: 74°

HFOV: 62°, VFOV: 49°, DFOV: 74°

​Automatic radiation correction

Support available


RGB Shutter


Single band FOV


​Support RTK/PPK


Quote Contact

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